The Northern Mexican Kitchen: Asada

Duration: 3½ hoursType: In-PersonPrice: $140

Norteño cuisine is often mistaken for “Cal-Mex” or “Tex-Mex,” but it actually predates the current borders of the United States and can properly be thought of as a Mexican regional cuisine. In this class Gino Garcia will introduce you to the asada, which is both a menu and a type of event inspired by his family’s weekend gatherings — including carne asada (marinated and grilled flank steak) and frijoles charros (pink beans with Mexican chorizo and bacon). You’ll pile your plates high with all the fixings, including salsa tatemada (Sonoran-style roasted tomato salsa with chiles, onion, and lemon); cebollitas asadas (grilled spring onions); and from-scratch flour tortillas.

Please note: some classes can be adjusted for students with dietary restrictions, but many cannot. If you’re vegetarian, pescatarian, or gluten-free, you can use the drop-down menu on our events page to view the best classes to fit your needs. If a class you’re interested in doesn’t appear in that filtered view, please email us before registering and we’ll see if the class’s menu can be modified.

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Cancellation Policy

While our event purchases are nonrefundable, we are generally happy to give a credit for a future event when we can fill your spot. If you need to cancel, we will reach out to the waitlist. If we get any takers, we can then issue you a credit. The chances of finding a replacement are higher with as much advance notice as possible, so please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel.